Booking Us
We do our own bookings and we'll work with you to make your concert a big success. If you're getting serious, here's where you'll find photos and our online press kit and tech sheet.
If you can use our electronic photos and bio, that's great. But if you'd prefer real physical photos and printed bios, just let us know and we'll mail 'em to you.
DRYDEN, N.Y. 13053
607 844-4535
Our Online Press & Photo Kit
Here's our most recent publicity photo

Photos for Printing
Here's a Black & White jpeg. If you're a newspaper person looking for a "mug shot", this should work just fine. If you're on a slow connection, this one will download fairly quickly. It's also a good photo to e-mail without overloading someone's system.
If you're doing something fancy and you need higher resolution photos use these photos....
Black and White 1.85mb
Color 2.09mb
Photos for the Web
Color 264 x 232px - Size 65 KB
Color 132 x 116px - Size 39 KB
Here's our old reliable - you're welcome to use it too
Photos for Printing
Black and White Jpeg 105KB If you're a newspaper person looking for a "mug shot", this should work just fine. If you're on a slow connection, this one will download fairly quickly. It's also a good photo to e-mail without overloading someone's system.
If you're doing something fancy and you need higher resolution photos use these tiff photos....
Black and White 7 x 9.4 inches 150 dpi - Size 1,276 KB
Color 7 x 9.4 inches 150 dpi - Size 2,555 KB
Below are jpeg versions of the "fancy" photos for those of you who can't use tiff's. But when you edit them, you lose clarity...
Photos for the Web
Color 264 x 354px - Size 39 KB
Color 132 x 177px - Size 11 KB
Printable version of our Bio - Word 97 format - Works with Microsoft Word 97 and later